Our Chief Conservation Scientist Dr. Krithi Karanth was one of the speakers at the ‘Tech for Sustainability’ Launch Party on the 21st of November at the Cisco Bangalore Campus Event Centre. Subject-matter experts from various fields gave talks on their respective fields, including human-wildlife conflict (HWC) management, technology in conservation and sustainability, and health and sanitation. Dr. Karanth shared her insights about HWC management with the gathering, her talk ranging from conservation in India in the past to the challenges faced today. She explained how the Wild Seve programme is developed to build tolerance towards wildlife in people who suffer crop and/or property damage or livestock predation by providing quick and simple access to government mandated-compensation schemes. Wild Shaale, she elucidated, intends to create empathy and curiosity about wildlife in children living around wildlife areas.

Krithi Karanth, Conservation Scientist

CWS’s Anubhav Vanamamalai was also a part of the event, who, as a domain expert in human-wildlife conflict, answered questions and helped various teams at the Cisco event understand the intricacies and challenges in HWC management. Cisco Distinguished Engineer, CTO, event organisers, subject-matter experts from Akshaya Patra and other organisations were also present at the event.